The ground up conceptualization of Trumpism is the perceived global unique leadership style of Donald Trump, the President of the United States. A leadership style hybrid between transactional and situational archetype based on the leaders’ personality (now known as the Trump doctrine). Transactionally, this leadership style is within the enclave of a business executive aggressive high-risk decision made in transactions that have resulted in the maximization of the organizational profit or a leader with business acumen of building global brand names transitioning into a new political leadership. It is a situational leadership because it requires different kind of global mindset for this same leader to make decisions based on the brutal perceived political reality on the ground. The conceptualization of Trumpism in this study also refers to the aggressive, sharp elbow, unpredictable quick-eye-blinking, gut making decision maybe without proper empirical analysis used to support the rhetoric before disrupting the global existing terrain or landscape (Aluya, 2015, 2017; Bass and Steidlmeier, 1999; Nickelsburg, 2017). The Trump unpredictability actions could be seen when the United States dropped for the first time, the Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB aka Mother of all bombs) on ISIS underground hideout in Afghanistan on April 13, 2017. This singular action by President Trump rattled the entire globe. Then he doubled down when recent chemical agents were used against civilians in Syria, though Assad has used it severally in the past, with the new Trump doctrine or Trumpism unilateral military actions were taken against the Assad government. As Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States eloquently stated that the time for “strategic patience” is over and the interpreted subliminal meanings that global issues will be dealt with not just with soft power, smart power or diplomacy but with hard power or with the United States military might and power (Nickelsburg, 2017; Nye and Armitage, 2007).

Trumpism also falls on the theoretical framework of Lewisian Theory of Chance or A Chance Theory (Lewis, 1983, 1986, 1999, 2001 and 2004). In Lewis Principal Principle and Human Supervenience that was later modified with some variation to the original theory, he stated that chances should be the guide in any potential outcome (humans) or our credence should agree with our chances-ceteris paribus (other things being equal). Here, the leader always assumed that because he or she has the hidden superior poker card, he or she would never lose. Wrong! This is not game or a gambling in casino where the superior humans supervene on the weaker or lower humans. Here, real human lives are at stake. For example, his recent actions of repealing or now trying to replace the Affordable Health Plan (aka The Obama Care) could affect the lives of over 24 million Americans. Leaders in this model of trumpism, usually transits seamlessly into the political arena. However, the political situation on the ground after taking the mantle of leadership unveil that the piper is blowing a different tune. Hence, the learning curves of these leaders are usually high.

Aptly, the lying or fake news media might have propagated the failure to repeal and replace Obama health care. Apparently, the aggressive and hastily executive order banning some immigrants anchored on a rollout fiasco. On the contrary, the lying news media is refusing to report the fine-tuned running machine of the new administration, all not yet understood like a tapestry interwoven into a teacup. The question will be how constitutionally practicable was the executive order that banned refugees or that banned people from seven Islamic countries. Answers to the afore-question remain very controversial, dicey, full of conundrum and difficult to decipher by the average Americans who are themselves immigrants or from generations of immigrants. With respect to the United States constitution, the State of Washington and Minnesota back by other 17 states within the union have challenged the constitutionality of the Donald J. Trump executive order of January 27, 2017(case #17-cv-00141-JLR-TRO). Most interestingly, the Former United States President -Gorge W. Bush, a republican, appointed Federal Judge James L Robart who sliced through this case and placed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against the executive order through the constitutional role of the tripartite government. Tripartite means that the role of the executive branch within the United States constitution is different from that of the United States congress and that of the United States Judiciary (Brocchatto, 2017; Nickelsburg, 2017). Herein, Judge Robart of the Federal District Court was within his purview in performing his constitutional duties. For continuous reading you can get a hard copy or electronic copy of this book Origin of Man, Life and Mortality at or contact the author.For continuous reading you can get a copy or electronic copy of this book Origin of Man, Life and Mortality at this site.





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