JOFDT (Reg:1948-5859) in a Nutshell
Our mission is to facilitate online learning, research, and experience in collaboration, through the publishing of peer-reviewed articles to educate, enhance, and add to the body of knowledge globally.
Our purpose is to serve as a conduit for doctoral learners, colleagues, and researchers to publish accepted articles that contribute and become addictive to the body of knowledge globally.
Peer Review
Our peer-reviewed process reflects the necessary rigor and scrutiny needed to bring forth the submission’s essence. Such submissions should be novel and substantial.
Since our distribution is global, our reviewers follow guidelines that are thorough and rigorous. In addition, each submission has a dedicated quantitative and or qualitative review, and unnecessary delays to a submission’s publication are kept to a minimum. The submitter helps to minimize unnecessary delays by adhering to the stated guidelines.
Our Submission Process
It is our practice to circulate galley proofs before final submission, and each manuscript, if published, is printed with the submission date, the revision date, and an acceptance date.
While the traditional operational functions of the journal include peer review, editing, mark-up, typesetting, proofing, printing, and distribution of the paper texts, the journal’s operation has established well-formed processes in the areas of editorial, peer review, publication archiving, and access provision. JOFDT uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open-source software application for managing and publishing scholarly journals.
Editorial Board
Dr. Joseph Aluya is the Director of Aluya Institute of Strategic Management (Global Mindset) in California and the author of the following books: (a) Disruptive Technology Meets the Biofuels Industry: Biofuels Global Implications; (b) Complexity of Leadership, Organizations, and Real Estate Industry; (c) Leadership, Real Estate and Disruptive Technology: Technological Situational Happenstances; (d) Housing Phenomena in Abuja, Nigeria-A Case Study; and (e) Housing in Sub-Saharan African Cities; all published in the United States. Dr. Aluya is an adjunct faculty member of American Heritage University and the University of Riverside, in California.
Dr. Aluya Co-Chaired the scholarly peer-reviewed symposium of “global mindset of leadership and management at the University of Riverside (September 25, 2009). Dr. Aluya is the President of the Journal of Disruptive Technology and the Senior Editor.
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