The Journal of Disruptive Technology (JOFDT) welcomes the submission of manuscripts that would globally contribute significantly to the body of knowledge on the subject of disruptive technologies, innovation, and positively disruptive concepts and or constructs. The Journal encourages submissions from all disciplines and professions that have had challenges and successes coping with the intrusion of disruptive technologies in their respective places. Before an author submits a manuscript, please review the title, keywords, and abstract. These features are key to facilitating the reader’s ability to find the article online through online search engines and understand its content. To improve the visibility of the article, ensure proper indexing and cross-linking, the journal suggests the contact author provide the full names for all authors in a revision or during circulation of galley proofs before final submission. The use of an ORCID iD is optional but recommended. In addition, there is a preference for all submissions to be in APA style. As a multidisciplinary journal, a style associated with a discipline is initially acceptable. JOFDT has the right to publish in its format. Otherwise, follow other formatting guidance provided by this journal. All submissions are subject to CrossCheck.
A held assumption of the editorial staff is that the submitter applied rigorous and or scientific methods. When it is relevant, addressed methodological weaknesses, applied power analysis, data quality standards, data cleaning, and effectively managed bias. If citing statistical significance, it is accompanied by effect size. Dependability, credibility, transferability, and confirmability are the standards for trustworthiness. The equivalent standard for other research is validity and reliability. As the submitter adheres to such standards of rigor in advance, it will help facilitate a rigorous peer-review in the least amount of time; thus, helping to deliver positively disruptive technologies, innovation, concepts, and or constructs to a world in need. The JOFDT editor, editorial board, and staff remain sensitive to the importance of timely dissemination of knowledge for positive disruption, change, and human progress.
JOFDT, to fulfill its aim and scope, welcomes the submission of manuscripts that would contribute significantly to human progress and the body of knowledge in the space of disruptive technology, innovation, and positively disruptive concepts and or constructs. Therefore, the Journal of Disruptive Technology welcomes abstracts, short papers, research-in-progress papers, full-research papers, and or full-length articles, and commentaries.
For Further Information on APA: click here for APA guidelines.
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Every year, the journal (JOFDT) accepts and publishes peer-reviewed articles. Scholarly peer review is the process of involving substantive authorities to read and interject discourse on new research in their fields of study to certify the validity of the submissions. As part of scientific communication, the process is designed to ascertain the significance, validity, quality, and originality of the submitted work. A peer review at JOFDT also ensures a manuscript meets standards for research and knowledge for publishing. The review builds on the quality of the research submitted for publication by offering reviewers the opportunity to suggest refinement. A double-blind peer review is in effect at the journal. Therefore, it is our policy to screen manuscript submissions and require authors to meet the standards of their discipline and attain scientific objectivity. This means the Journal of Disruptive Technology only accepts publications grounded in scientific fact as opposed to opinion. The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a vital building block for developing a consistent and esteemed network of knowledge that directly reflects the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. The journal supports and reifies the scientific method. Therefore, it is paramount to agree on rules of expected ethical conduct for all parties involved in the act of publishing. Involvement at this level includes the author, the journal editor, the peer-reviewing committee appointed by the journal’s editor, and the publisher.
We are duty-bound to ensure that advertising, reprint, or other commercial revenue will not impact or influence our editorial decisions. In addition, the journal will oblige in the communication with other journals and or publishers where this is useful to editors. Editorial decisions are commensurate with the aim and scope of the journal and consistent with the policies, guidelines, and ethics promulgated; thus, separate from the influences of stakeholders or other related parties. Finally, the journal intends to actively participate with other publishers and industry associations (e.g., Crossref, COPE, others) to set guidelines for best practices for publishing, ethical matters, errors, and retractions.
The Journal of Disruptive Technology is an online publication, specifically for the subjects on disruptive technology, concepts, conceptions, and constructs, as influences on other disciplines and professions. Please note that all submissions to this journal, such as an article submission, peer-review of documents and editing requests, as well as replies to authors regarding the status of their submissions, are handled electronically. The editorial staff of The Journal of Disruptive Technology reserves the right to format and edit any submitted manuscript as necessary to meet the publishing guidelines, standards, and format of the journal.
Papers having any instances of copy and paste material will not be entertained in the JOFDT. Manuscripts that were mistakenly published will be suspended immediately. The Journal of Disruptive Technology requests all authors not to submit the same paper to multiple journals. Once an author’s paper is accepted, it cannot be withdrawn.
JOFDT does not have any refund policy once the paper is published. But if the author had submitted any extra amount than required for publication fee, the extra amount will be deposited in the authors account within 15 working days.
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